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Our mission

Coincidence or not: the name of Praktijk Polar came into being on a day during a full moon, which was mainly dedicated to healing.

It was on October, 1st, 2020 during the night of the healing full moon under the sign of Aries that inspiration suddenly came for the name of our practice: Polar.

Polar refers to the Pole Star or North Star: a bright star that always indicates North.

At night, all the stars seem to orbit the Pole Star – due to the rotation of the Earth. The Pole Star itself hardly moves, it always remains in the same place in the sky.  It is visible all night long and never disappears below the horizon.  Before the introduction of electronic navigation systems, the North Star performed the role of a compass for sailors. It was crucial in determining their correct course. The word 'polar' may be associated with the idea of being crucial, decisive, convincing.

Polar represents what our practice aims to be: a beacon of light for people who have (temporarily) gone off course. After all, most people become chronically ill because they have deviated from their soul's path, when they have denied their true self for too long and lost their passion and joy in life.

Shine and be a light to the world.

In our practice, we get to know your situation in detail. We then work with you to restore your health. We explore the cause of your illness and what you can do to prevent further symptoms in the future.

The Pole Star is like a white ice crystal: clear, pure and whiter than white. 
Just like our inspiration, we at Praktijk Polar also want to help you to shine again like a bright star in a dark night.

Holistic approach

Correct diagnosis

Targeted treatment

Long-term result

Our practice examines your
health in its entirety. 

Start your healing process
and come in for an initial consultation.

Schedule your appointment

© 2025 Dokter Jo Linmans - Praktijk Polar - Poelstraat 14A, 3500 Hasselt (BE)
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