There is a lot of pressure on people in today's performance-orientated society. Those who can no longer cope or are made to live a lifestyle that does not suit them run the risk of gradually burning themselves out.
In cases of burn-out, you are extremely exhausted emotionally and physically. This is often accompanied by a loss of faith in your own abilities and you may even develop a cynical attitude. You feel like you are expending a lot of energy, but getting nothing in return. You become apathetic and have no faith in anything. Your brain can no longer find solutions. Even simple actions, like tying shoelaces, suddenly become an insurmountable task.
Burn-out is certainly not 'normal' fatigue, as it affects your body, brain, and emotions as well as behaviour. It often does not occur until after months of excessive stress. Therefore, recovery also requires some patience. However, with our thorough holistic approach, we are confident that we can help you get your life back on track.
We always start on the basis of a holistic approach to find the real underlying cause of your burn-out and in doing so arrive at a long-term solution.
How do we examine burn-out?
We are increasingly seeing people in our practice with extreme fatigue and symptoms of burn-out. We always take these symptoms seriously and examine them at every level of body and mind. We therefore carry out a thorough full examination, which enables us to reach a correct diagnosis.
The correct diagnosis allows us to begin working out an individual treatment plan adapted to your needs. We go through this step by step with you so that you understand what action can be taken to help you starting living again in a healthy way.
After three and six months of treatment, we follow up your progress and expect a noticeable improvement in your personal condition.