Your path to optimum health

Welcome to Polar. We are here to help you.

No matter who you are or what your symptoms or illness are, we want to help you. Maybe you have been looking for a while now for a long-term solution for your symptoms? With our holistic approach, we always start with a thorough check-up, which we then use to map out your areas of concern. We look for the underlying cause of your problem, make the right diagnosis, and create an individual treatment plan, paying attention not only to your physical health, but also to your mental and emotional well-being. In this way, our aim is to guide you to optimal health and maximum quality of life.

Perhaps it has already been a long journey to reach this point, but without results. You've blown off course for a little while and you want to get your life back on track.

We have the necessary expertise to help you.

Dr Linmans has over 30 years of medical experience in conventional and complementary medicine.

He specialises particularly in health optimisation and the treatment of chronic problems that have an impact on quality of life, such as fatigue, pain, gastrointestinal problems, and depression. In his holistic approach, a correct diagnosis forms the basis for a targeted individual treatment.

His goal is to achieve a significant improvement in your symptoms in 3 to 6 months. To do this, he may need to refer you to other experts or therapists during or after treatment, who will help to ensure that your health remains optimal in the long term.

Get to know our practice

Holistic approach

Correct diagnosis

Targeted treatment

Long-term result

There is always light
at the end of the tunnel.

Start your healing process
and come in for an initial consultation.

Schedule your appointment

© 2025 Dokter Jo Linmans - Praktijk Polar - Poelstraat 14A, 3500 Hasselt (BE)
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