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When you don't feel like doing anything anymore...

We all feel a bit low from time to time. But what if your mood is low every day as soon as you get up until you go back to bed? And you don't enjoy anything anymore, you don't look forward to anything and you lose interest in the people and things around you? It may be that you're suffering from depression.

Depression is actually characterised by two types of symptoms:

  • Psychological symptoms, such as sadness, despair, low self-esteem, lethargy, guilt, negative thinking, and even suicidal thoughts.
  • Physical symptoms, such as sleep and/or eating problems, decreased libido, fatigue, chest pain or tightness, palpitations and anxiety.

In recent years, we have noticed a trend towards burn-out, with patients being not only depressed but also very tired. Our experience teaches us that only an examination of your overall functioning can provide insight into the right treatment.

We always start on the basis of a holistic approach to find the real underlying cause of your depression and in doing so arrive at a long-term solution.

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How do we examine depression?

We take your symptoms seriously and therefore always carry out a full examination. This means that we look at your symptoms at the level of body and mind. It is often the case that not only psychological and social factors but also biological factors play a role, such as a stress, hormone or immune mechanism that is confused. By taking all these aspects into account, we can arrive at a correct diagnosis.

The correct diagnosis enables us to work out an individual treatment plan adapted to your needs. We go through this step by step with you so that you understand what action can be taken to restore health and well-being.

After three and six months of treatment, we follow up your progress and expect a noticeable improvement in your personal condition.

Your well-being is our priority.
Let's work on it together.

Start your healing process
and come in for an initial consultation.

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